Business Ethics Profs’ Favourite Articles to Teach

In late 2014, we conducted an informal survey of professors who teach Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Corporate Citizenship classes. We asked them to tell us the 3 readings they most like to assign as readings in their classes. Several dozen professors responded. The list is below. There was effectively no overlap — that is, there was almost no consensus regarding “the” papers that needed to be taught. Several papers received 2 votes each, but none received more than that. A few specific authors, though (e.g., Boatright, Carroll, and Coase) each made multiple appearances. The result is not a highly-scientific survey, but it does give a sense of the sorts of things professors in the field are teaching.

Here are the papers that professors told us they love:

(Note: some of the links below just lead to abstracts and full bibliographical information. Others lead to full PDF articles.)



One Comment on “Business Ethics Profs’ Favourite Articles to Teach”

  1. Arthur Shacklock says:

    I was delighted to find two of my articles on this list, nominated by my peers. This was especially pleasing given the very famous company in this list. It is always gratifying to know that something you have spent a lot of effort on in the past is still being used for teaching purposes by your peers to benefit the learning of students. Many thanks to those who arranged this informal survey. Arthur Shacklock (“Shack”), Griffith University, Australia.

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